Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Week 27 - 28: Easter Holidays - The End Came Quickly

Still more issues!

I didn't do a post for last week and this post is a bit late as well. The reason for that is that not much happened. I tried optimizing the framerate and researched a lot into it and tried many different ways, but I couldn't get it to run any better. When we came back from the Easter holidays I asked some tutors and as it turns out UE4 is not particularly good with rendering alphas, which results in us having to re-do a lot of foliage. The main problem that occurs in our case is overdraw, which is mainly caused by polys overlapping (a standard procedure of creating foliage in games is by overlapping planes with an alpha mask). To counter this issue, we need to further cut out the alpha planes using additional tris, so that there will be less overlap.

Apart from that nothing really happened since I decided to actually take a break over Easter and enjoy the holidays. I will now have to focus on getting my work done over the next few weeks, which might get a bit stressful. On top of the Off The Map project I also have to create a presentation and an extended piece of writing.

I will update my blog next week with what I have accomplished!

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